Thanksgiving: Turkey & Tennis & Stains!

Hello, and happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone had a great holiday full of food and family. We personally burned off calories by playing Wii. Does anyone play that anymore? I know there is better technology out there these days. Wii tennis will always be fun. It really brought our family together.

Me and my son Albert playing Wii.

After dinner, my son Jimmy and I had a family meeting. We talked about how we can reach our customers better, and continue to give our best service. We are the best dry cleaners in Cook County, and we intend to keep it that way! :)

One way to reach all of you and mostly say thank you for all the positive reviews we have been receiving lately, is to update this blog/website. Would you believe we had this site sitting around for so long, and we are just NOW beginning to use it? Busy busy. I'm sure you know what I mean. One day, we will master this thing we call a computer!

Please check back for our next update. In the meantime, come on in, say hello! We are in the same location as always... 7965 Golf Road in Morton Grove, IL. We will be expecting many cranberry stained shirts in the next couple days! :)

-Thomas & Suzy